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Mentor and student

Inspire the Next Generation of Lawyers

Become a Mentor

Mentor Our Students

As members of a self-governing profession, lawyers and judges are called to assist in the training and preparation of our next generation of lawyers. Our mentors respond to that calling.

More than 500 respected lawyers and judges volunteer their time to serve as mentors each year. Service as a mentor promotes the highest ideals of ethics, professionalism, leadership and service for the future generation of lawyers.

A mentor is a role model who provides students with an experiential window to view the professional world, who exposes students to the wide spectrum of work lawyers and judges do, and who engages in discussions with students about their observations and experiences, professionalism, and the legal system. By imparting the traditions, values, and expectations of the profession, our mentors play a pivotal role in a student's development of professional identity and an understanding that traditional law study cannot capture.

Contact Us

We value personal contact with each of our mentors. Interested in becoming a mentor? Already a mentor, but need to update contact information or ask a question? Please contact us at lawmentors@stthomas.edu or (651) 962-4987.

We look forward to talking with you!

Mentor and students

How Mentoring Works

Mentors spend 15-18 hours with their student over the course of the school year (about two hours a month). The program starts with a meeting to discuss what the student hopes to observe, do and talk about with the mentor and for mentors to indicate what experiences, events and opportunities they may have to offer during the year.

We ask our mentors to engage with students, be responsive to their communications and be available to them. At the end of the school year, the mentor and student meet to talk about what the student did and learned during the year.

Mentor Externship Manual

Mentor Responsibilities  

  1. Meet with your mentee during the month of September
  2. Set goals with your mentee during the initial meeting to create a Personal and Professional Development Plan (PPDP)
  3. Share with your mentee how to best communicate with you and respond to communications from your mentee
  4. Commit 15-18 hours to mentor activities between September and April
  5. Provide two to five experience opportunities for your mentee
  6. Debrief (discuss) with your mentee at least two topics during the year
  7. Meet to review and discuss your mentee’s completed activity log in April

Client Confidentiality and Attorney-Client Privilege are Protected

The Minnesota Supreme Court certifies our students as “student observers” to protect client confidentiality and attorney-client privilege. This allows students to observe mentors conducting professional activities with clients, including private lawyer-client communications, without destroying the privileged nature of communications so long as mentors identify students to clients and clients accept the student. Students affirm in writing they will maintain the confidentiality lawyers are required to maintain under professional responsibility rules.

“The University of St. Thomas School of Law Mentor Externship program is great for both students and mentors. Students have the opportunity to gain practical experience which comes with the day-to-day realities of practicing law and working with clients and colleagues. Mentors have the opportunity to experience, once again, the curiosity, eagerness, optimism, vision and enthusiasm which led us to this calling in the first place, and to learn more of the law from these students. It’s a beneficial two-way street.”

James F. Dunn, P.A., James F. Dunn & Associates, Mentor '03-'22

Mentoring Benefits

  • Continuing Legal Education Programs
  • Mentor Appreciation Reception
  • Involvement in the Legal Education Process
  • Continuing Legal Education Programs

    The University of St. Thomas School of Law offers CLE programs which mentors can attend to earn CLE credit for free or at a significantly reduced rate as a show of appreciation for their service in the program. These CLE programs are offered through the Holloran Center, Murphy Institute and alumni association.

    Mentor Appreciation Reception

    Mentors are honored at a reception held each April/May to celebrate the end of a successful year. Mentors are provided the date at the beginning of the school year and receive an invitation closer to the event.

    Involvement in the Legal Education Process

    By sharing their wisdom and experience, our mentors play an integral role in shaping the next generation of lawyers. The Mentor Externship Program welcomes mentors’ ideas for the experience list and debrief discussion templates in our Mentor Externship Manual.

    Continuing Legal Education Programs

    The University of St. Thomas School of Law offers CLE programs which mentors can attend to earn CLE credit for free or at a significantly reduced rate as a show of appreciation for their service in the program. These CLE programs are offered through the Holloran Center, Murphy Institute and alumni association.

    Mentor Appreciation Reception

    Mentors are honored at a reception held each April/May to celebrate the end of a successful year. Mentors are provided the date at the beginning of the school year and receive an invitation closer to the event.

    Involvement in the Legal Education Process

    By sharing their wisdom and experience, our mentors play an integral role in shaping the next generation of lawyers. The Mentor Externship Program welcomes mentors’ ideas for the experience list and debrief discussion templates in our Mentor Externship Manual.

    A mentee in discussion with his mentor

    A National Leader

    Program Excellence

    The Mentor Externship Program has received the distinguished E. Smythe Gambrell Professionalism Award, it was one of three national finalists for an ABA award on innovations in teaching professionalism and plays a significant role in why St. Thomas is ranked #2 in the nation for practical training. In fact, we've been ranked among the top three law schools in this category since 2014.

    Student and mentor

    Current Changemakers

    Meet Our Mentors

    Our mentors provide invaluable human and professional connections for our students. Get to know a few of them.

    Our Current Mentors

    “The program is important for the firms and mentors because mentees give us a new perspective and energy that sometimes we lose during the daily grind – it is refreshing."

    Jill Sauber, '13 J.D. and Mentor '17-present

    Mentor Externship Team