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School of Law

Support and Wellness

Success Comes From Within

We want all students to have the tools to succeed in law school, and that includes support for their mental and physical well-being. 
The School of Law was one of the first law schools in the country to sign the American Bar Association's (ABA) Well-being Pledge in 2019. The law school actively works with the ABA, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers and other organizations to develop and implement wellness initiatives for students and alumni, and to support initiatives within the broader legal community.
students study in the library

Getting Help in the Classroom

Academic Support

St. Thomas is committed to helping you be successful and thrive during your law school experience. From individual support to bar exam preparation, our academic support services begin at orientation and continue beyond graduation.

Panel of wellness experts in the atrium

Whole-Person Education

Health and Well-Being

St. Thomas Law seeks to educate the 'whole person.' Faculty and staff work to foster an environment where each student feels connected and supported and understands the importance of making wellness a professional priority. Throughout the year, the law school provides resources and hosts events and activities aimed at helping students develop healthy skills and habits that will serve them throughout their careers.

Committed to Diversity, Community and Inclusion

The University of St. Thomas School of Law has a unique mission founded on the precepts of diversity, community and inclusion. The mission calls for a commitment to ensure that the St. Thomas School of Law community fully reflects the community it serves. Through diversity and inclusiveness, we are able to build a learning community that furthers our mission. This is evidenced by the School of Law’s active student engagement, social justice curriculum, service in the community and focus on practical skills development.