Blessed John Paul II proclaimed that we are all "called to stand up for life! To respect and defend the mystery of life always and everywhere." At the University of St. Thomas Prolife Center, this is our mission - to carry out the calling through our works and prayers against all attacks on human life.
We work each day to achieve legal protection of all human life, including the unborn, the elderly, and the very ill.
We are driven by the single truth that all life is precious, from the moment of fertilization to the moment of natural death. Our goal is to equip lawyers with the knowledge and skills needed to change our country's laws to reflect this truth.
The Center focuses on three key areas to promote effective legal protection for human life:
- Train law students and lawyers in the defense of life
- Assist government officials in drafting, passing, and defending laws to protect human life
- Develop needed legal scholarship on constitutional, regulatory, and cultural barriers to creating a Culture of Life