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Law students at graduation ceremony

Honors and Accolades


About Rankings

At the University of St. Thomas School of Law, we are focused on providing an innovative and student-centered legal education unlike any other in the country. We welcome the accolades that have come our way.

Outstanding Career Preparation & Relationship Development

J.D. career development support: Compared with students at other law schools, St. Thomas School of Law students report greater satisfaction with the support they receive for career and professional development.

A law school student chats with a professor at the Minneapolis campus.

#6 Best Value Private Law School

National Jurist ranked St. Thomas Law #6 among private law schools for overall value in 2024.
Law students listen to a courtroom presentation.

#8 for State and Local Clerkships

St. Thomas School of Law was ranked #8 on The Princeton Review's 2024 list of law schools for the Best State and Local Clerkships.
Student on the Minneapolis Campus

U.S. News & World Report

St. Thomas Law was listed as No. 98 among the country's nearly 200 law schools in the 2024 U.S. News and World Report rankings.

Cutting-Edge Curriculum

St. Thomas Law offers a distinctive, whole-person legal education. We offer a cutting-edge curriculum, with a vast catalog of courses that allows students the ability to focus their studies in many areas of the law. A few of our programs have been even recognized by National Jurist.
Three LLM Students in the Atrium

LL.M. in U.S. Law

Best LL.M. program: The LL.M. in U.S. Law program at St. Thomas was named among the best programs in the nation by International Jurist in 2023.

Best LL.M. experience: The LL.M. in U.S. Law program received an A rating for law school experience on International Jurist's 2019 and 2021 list of Best LL.M. Programs.

Best LL.M. value: The LL.M. in U.S. Law program was also rated as a top school by International Jurist for its overall value in 2021.

Supportive, Purpose-Driven Community

93% Student Satisfaction

The results of the 2022 Law School Survey of Student Engagement (LSSSE) showed that 93% of first-year law students said they would still attend St. Thomas for law school if they had to choose again. Among third-year law students, 86% rated their overall experience at St. Thomas as "excellent" or "good." Seventy-five percent of 3Ls at other law schools rated their experience positively.

100% Paired with a Mentor

Each St. Thomas law student is paired with a lawyer or judge working in their area of interest to help them gain work experience, develop relationships and navigate the legal field.