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Students walking in the skyway

School of Law

Admitted Applicants

Welcome to St. Thomas Law!

Congratulations on your offer of admission to the University of St. Thomas School of Law! We are excited to have you join our community and look forward to working with you throughout your legal career.

Below is information and resources to help you learn more about St. Thomas, the Twin Cities and the next steps in the admissions process. Our Admitted Applicant Program will be held on Friday, April 4, 2025 and includes our social event at the Twins game on Saturday, April 5. Invitations to the events have been sent by mail.

Reach out to us if you have any questions!

law students at orientation breakfast

Orientation Information

On-campus orientation is tentatively scheduled for August 18-21st, 2025.

The week prior to on-campus orientation, a virtual orientation site on Canvas will launch, with details on our policy manual, student conduct, well-being, the mentor externship program, technology, library resources, campus safety, the downtown area, and more.

Guests eat during admitted applicant day

Travel Reimbursement Stipend

The law school offers a travel reimbursement stipend to admitted applicants for an individual campus visit. Admitted applicants who live outside of Minnesota or more than 100 miles from Minneapolis/St. Paul can submit receipts for reimbursement. The stipend must be used before the tuition deposit deadline.

Law School Tour Video

Law School Video Tour

St. Thomas Law has established itself not only as an outstanding law school but also as an exceptional place to be a law student. While a number of factors contribute to this, including our beautiful building and remarkable faculty, our students clearly are the biggest factor in shaping the sense of community.

Connect With Us!

Man Participates in Online Discussion

Individual Virtual Meetings

Individual online meetings are available to any admitted applicant interested in talking with an admissions staff member. Please contact our Admissions Team at lawschool@stthomas.edu to schedule your video chat.

Associate Dean Schiltz talks with law students in the atrium

Speak With a Faculty Member, an Alumnus or a Student

If you would like to connect with a St. Thomas Law faculty member, alumnus or current student by phone or email, please let us know. We will be happy to put you in touch with a community member who can answer questions and share their experience at St. Thomas Law.

Account Activation and Deposits

An online account has been generated for you. Please take the next step and activate it using the directions below and the St. Thomas ID number, St. Thomas username and St. Thomas email address sent to you via email. The email also contained details on how to pay your deposit online to reserve your seat in the entering class using Murphy Online, our online portal for personal, academic and financial information and more.

If you're a St. Thomas alumnus, we re-established your existing account. Use the instructions below to activate your account.

Your account allows you to login to your St. Thomas email, campus computers and other digital resources.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security method for your account that helps verify that you are the person who is logging into your account. MFA protects you and the university.

  • Visit our intranet OneStThomas
  • Log in using your St. Thomas username and password
  • Click on the Email tab in the header

We offer students the option of paying your $500 deposit electronically or via USPS by:

Mail a check or money order:

  • Make checks payable to ‘University of St. Thomas’
  • Put your name and St. Thomas ID # in the memo line
  • Mail to: 1000 LaSalle Avenue MSL 124, Minneapolis, MN 55403

Pay by credit card:

  • NOTE: Credit card payments are subject to a non-refundable fee of $14.25 (2.85%)to $14.75 (2.95%)
  1. From OneStThomas, access our Murphy Online Student System.
  2. Select Login to Murphy Online secured area.
  3. You will be prompted for your St. Thomas email and the password.
  4. From the main menu, select Personal Information/Special Roles.
  5. Select eBill & ePay System. Make sure to turn off the pop-up blocker.
  6. From the menu across the top of the screen, select Deposits. DO NOT select Payments.
  7. Select Fall 2025 from the drop-down menu and click Select.
  8. Select Law Tuition eDeposit from the drop-down menu and click Select.
  9. Click Continue to make a Deposit Payment by following the on-screen instructions.
If you experience any difficulty logging into Murphy Online, please contact the Tech Desk at (651) 962-6230 or (800) 328-6819, Ext. 2-6230 or techdesk@stthomas.edu.


  • Business Office
  • Student Employment
  • Computers & Software
  • Center for Well-Being
  • Parking and Transportation
  • Housing
  • Business Office

    Students typically make their first tuition payment in late August, prior to the September deadline. Your best resource for questions about the timeline and payment process is the Business Office. We encourage you to visit the Business Office's website for details.

    Business Office

    Student Employment

    Ideally, because of the demands of law school, first-year students will not be employed during their first year. There is, however, no specific rule limiting student employment. During any semester for which a student is enrolled in 12 or more credits, they should consider 20 hours per week of employment as a recommended maximum. If you have any questions, please contact us at lawschool@stthomas.edu.

    Computers & Software

    All students need a personal computer or laptop for law school.

    Your personal computer or laptop must be able to run our Examplify exam software. Chromebooks and Tablets are not supported by Examplify and should not be used for law school.

    Students are required to own earphones with a microphone for Zoom sessions. Innovation and Technology Services (ITS) recommends the Logitech H390 USP Computer Headset or a similar product.

    Please check back here in Spring 2024 for the New Law Student Technology Guide, which will provide additional information about personal computer or laptop requirements, software, and on campus printing.

    Student Assistance Available
    For some law students there may be an opportunity to increase your cost of attendance budget to cover (once only) the cost of a computer. Information on this opportunity can be found on the Graduate Financial Aid webpage.

    New Student Technology Guide

    Center for Well-Being

    The Center for Well-Being provides services across four integrated partner areas: health services, counseling and psychological services, health promotion and resilience, and violence prevention and awareness. Visit the center's website for information about our health insurance and vaccination requirements, on-campus clinics and more.

    Center for Well-Being

    Parking and Transportation

    On-campus parking for law students is available on the Minneapolis campus in the 11th St. and Harmon Place ramp for an hourly/daily fee or by purchasing a permit. There are also metered street parking spots surrounding campus and near-by non-St. Thomas parking ramps available. Members of the St. Thomas community are encouraged to consider sustainable transportation to-and-from campus, including walking, riding a bicycle, taking the city bus or even joining a carpool.

    Transportation Options


    There are many different options for living in the Twin Cities. Click on the link below for helpful resources to assist you in your housing search.

    Our current student housing ambassadors are also a good link to living in the Twin Cities. Please feel free to reach out to them as you look for housing:

    Emma Nelson (3L), familiar with Loring Park
    Email: nels6019@stthomas.edu

    Cate Eberhart (1L), familiar with St. Paul and Minneapolis
    Email: cate.eberhart@stthomas.edu

    Living in the Twin Cities

    Business Office

    Students typically make their first tuition payment in late August, prior to the September deadline. Your best resource for questions about the timeline and payment process is the Business Office. We encourage you to visit the Business Office's website for details.

    Business Office

    Student Employment

    Ideally, because of the demands of law school, first-year students will not be employed during their first year. There is, however, no specific rule limiting student employment. During any semester for which a student is enrolled in 12 or more credits, they should consider 20 hours per week of employment as a recommended maximum. If you have any questions, please contact us at lawschool@stthomas.edu.

    Computers & Software

    All students need a personal computer or laptop for law school.

    Your personal computer or laptop must be able to run our Examplify exam software. Chromebooks and Tablets are not supported by Examplify and should not be used for law school.

    Students are required to own earphones with a microphone for Zoom sessions. Innovation and Technology Services (ITS) recommends the Logitech H390 USP Computer Headset or a similar product.

    Please check back here in Spring 2024 for the New Law Student Technology Guide, which will provide additional information about personal computer or laptop requirements, software, and on campus printing.

    Student Assistance Available
    For some law students there may be an opportunity to increase your cost of attendance budget to cover (once only) the cost of a computer. Information on this opportunity can be found on the Graduate Financial Aid webpage.

    New Student Technology Guide

    Center for Well-Being

    The Center for Well-Being provides services across four integrated partner areas: health services, counseling and psychological services, health promotion and resilience, and violence prevention and awareness. Visit the center's website for information about our health insurance and vaccination requirements, on-campus clinics and more.

    Center for Well-Being

    Parking and Transportation

    On-campus parking for law students is available on the Minneapolis campus in the 11th St. and Harmon Place ramp for an hourly/daily fee or by purchasing a permit. There are also metered street parking spots surrounding campus and near-by non-St. Thomas parking ramps available. Members of the St. Thomas community are encouraged to consider sustainable transportation to-and-from campus, including walking, riding a bicycle, taking the city bus or even joining a carpool.

    Transportation Options


    There are many different options for living in the Twin Cities. Click on the link below for helpful resources to assist you in your housing search.

    Our current student housing ambassadors are also a good link to living in the Twin Cities. Please feel free to reach out to them as you look for housing:

    Emma Nelson (3L), familiar with Loring Park
    Email: nels6019@stthomas.edu

    Cate Eberhart (1L), familiar with St. Paul and Minneapolis
    Email: cate.eberhart@stthomas.edu

    Living in the Twin Cities

    Admissions Staff