School of Law - University of St. Thomas

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School of Law Three CJP Clinic Law Students in Skyway Faculty Headshots

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The University of St. Thomas School of Law is inspired by justice, guided by faith, grounded in reason, committed to excellence and devoted to advancing the common good.

A National Leader in Practical Training

Legal education goes beyond the classroom and a theoretical knowledge of the law. St. Thomas Law’s practical training opportunities allow students to develop professional relationships, learn through hands-on experiences and build their resumes.

Thought Leaders

Our professors are leading experts in their fields and our students’ biggest supporters. They not only teach, they create opportunities for law students to work side-by-side with them on research, writing and advocacy work. In 2024, St. Thomas Law’s faculty was ranked #23 in the nation for scholarly impact.

We believe in using the law for the common good.

You're ready to make a difference. We're ready to help you do it.

Check out some of our degree and program options:

School of Law

Faculty Highlights

Faculty profile Mark Osler

In the News: Mark Osler on pardons granted by President Biden and President Trump

Faculty profile Michael Stokes Paulsen

Publication: Michael Paulsen writes about the Supreme Court's decision in Trump v. Anderson

Neil Hamilton Headshot

Publication: Neil Hamilton writes about professional identity formation and the NextGen Bar

Lawyer Search

Lawyer Search is St. Thomas Law's online directory of alumni. It is available to those with legal needs, for attorney networking and referrals and so current and prospective law students can meet lawyers working in their area of interest. Click below to connect with one of our alums!

Law Student Listening to Mentor

A Mentor for Every Law Student

St. Thomas Law’s award-winning Mentor Externship Program pairs law students, each year of law school, with a lawyer or judge who will help them gain work experience, develop relationships and navigate the legal field. The program combines opportunities in the field with thoughtful reflection to give each student a personal view of the legal profession.

School of Law Events

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Minneapolis Skyline from River

The Twin Cities - Minneapolis & St. Paul

With large business and legal communities and its blend of natural beauty and urban sophistication, the Twin Cities is a great place to attend law school and somewhere you will want to consider staying. The area boasts high marks for its employment opportunities and overall quality of life.