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Professor and Robert and Marion Short Distinguished Chair in Law; Director of Legal Clinics

Resume or CV

Curriculum Vitae

Rule Complexity, Story Complexity, Mercy & Hope, 102 Texas Law Review 1365 (2024).

The State of Federal Clemency (with Rachel Barkow), 7 Annual Review of Criminology 331 (2024).

Churches and the Death of Third Places, 33 Christian Ethics Today 18 (Spring 2023).

The Trump Clemencies: Chaos, Murderers, and Lost Opportunity, 31 William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 487 (2023).

The Role of Clemency in Criminal Justice Reform, 34 Federal Sentencing Reporter 230 (2022).

What We Got Wrong in the War on Drugs, 17 St. Thomas Law Journal 968 (2022).

14 Steps Biden’s DOJ Can Take Now to Reform America’s Criminal Justice System (With Rachel Barkow), The Appeal, March 2021.

The First Step Act and the Brutal Timidity of Criminal Law Reform, 54 New England Law Review 161 (2020).

Memo to the President: Two Steps to Fix the Clemency Crisis, 16 St. Thomas Law Journal 329 (2020).

Negotiation Lessons from a Former Wiseguy, Michael Franzese (with Blaine McCormick and Christopher Meyer) 28 Journal of Management Inquiry 431 (October, 2019).

Clemency and the Soul of the Constitution, 34 Journal of Law & Politics 131 (2019).

Short of the Mountaintop: Race Neutrality, Criminal Law, and the Jericho Road Ahead, 49 University of Memphis Law Review 77 (2019).

Designed to Fail: The President’s Deference to the Department of Justice in Advancing Criminal Justice Reform (with Rachel Barkow). 59 William & Mary Law Review 387 (2017).

Fewer Hands, More Mercy: A Plea for a Better Clemency System, 41 Vermont Law Review 1 (2017).

Clementia, Obama, and Deborah Leff, 28 Federal Sentencing Reporter 309 (2016).

Prosecutors and Victims: Why Wrongful Convictions Matter (with Jeanne Bishop), 105 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 101 (2016).

Treating Drug Crimes as White-Collar Crimes (with Thea Johnson), 61Wayne State Law Review 1 (2016).

Restructuring Clemency: The Cost of Ignoring Clemency and a Plan for Renewal (with Rachel Barkow), 82 University of Chicago Law Review 1 (2015).

Forfeitures in a New Market-Reality Narcotics Policy, 52 Harvard Journal on Legislation 221 (2015).

1986: AIDS, Crack, and C. Everett Koop, 66 Rutgers Law Review 851 (2014).

Narcotics Prosecutors as Problem Solvers, 1 Stanford Journal of Criminal Law and Policy 1 (2014).

A Holocaust in Slow Motion: America’s Mass Incarceration and the Role of Discretion (With Judge Mark W. Bennett), 7 DePaul Journal for Social Justice 117 (2014).