The Holloran Center Competency Milestones are rubrics that describe the various stages of development associated with learning outcomes.
These learning outcomes were identified by working groups from different law schools as the most common professional formation learning outcomes across the law schools that had published learning outcomes as of June 2019, led by Commitment to Pro Bono (36% of law schools), Self-Directedness (32%), Teamwork/Collaboration (30%) and Cultural Competence (28%).
Holloran Competency Alignment Model
The Holloran Competency Alignment Model set forth below provides a visual manifestation of the anticipated “alignment” between the developmental competencies expected of law school graduates and the developmental competencies expected of newly-minted lawyers by law firms, other legal employers, and clients.
The Milestones are designed to align with what employers and clients will expect of law school graduates.
Usage and Attribution Guidelines
The Holloran Center encourages free use of these Milestone resources provided there is an acknowledgement that the Holloran Center is the source of the Milestone resources.